
2024-04-27 10:19:56 来源:阳春文学 点击:7
1、总有一个人,让我疼到骨子里也不愿意放弃。 There is always a person who makes me hurt in my bones and I don't want to give up. 2、我好累,我好想回答我会和你在一起,可是我不能。 I'm tired. I want to answer that I'll be with you, but I can't. 3、就那么点出息,遇见你,就全都没有了。 Just a little bit of interest, meet you, there is no more. 4、我没什么不好意思,我的爱不卑微。 I'm not sorry, my love is not humble. 5、那只是一场擦肩而过,何必记的那么清晰。 It was just a pass, why remember so clearly. 6、世上最悲凉旳事除了生死离别,还有物是人非。 The most sad thing in the world is that in addition to the separation of life and death, there are also things that are human and human. 7、你笑着流泪放我走,突然我感觉天塌了。 You smile and cry and let me go, and suddenly I feel like the sky is falling. 8、我一点也不优雅,快乐,美丽,我不是伱的优乐美。 I am not elegant at all, happy, beautiful, I am not your beauty. 9、感情就到这吧,我选择尊严。 Love is here. I choose dignity. 10、我学会了戴着面具微笑,即使我并不开心。 I learned to smile in a mask, even if I wasn't happy. 11、你懂不懂,好久不见是多心酸的问候! You don't understand, long time not see is a hearty greeting! 12、痛不痛只有自己知道,变没变只有自己才懂。 Pain does not hurt only know, change not only understand their own. 13、如果一切都是戏,我们何必演的那么逼真。 If everything is a play, why do we have to play so lifelike. 14、我用一千个理由想要忘记你,却用一万个借口原谅你。 I want to forget you for a thousand reasons, but I forgive you with 10000 excuses. 15、你都会如何回忆我,带着笑或是很沉默。 How do you remember me, with a smile or silence. 16、我还在原地,傻傻的等你回来。 I'm still in place, silly to wait for you to come back. 17、那个选择放手的人,其实才是真正难过的人。 The one who chose to let go is actually the one who is really sad. 18、霓虹灯的摩天轮,有我们那至死不谕的爱。 Neon wheel, there is our love that never tells us. 19、你在路边点烟,风好像吹红了你的眼。 You light up the roadside, and the wind seems to blow your eyes red. 20、付出了这么多,却始终都换不来你的一颗真心。 Pay so much, but always can not exchange your one true. 21、背叛有时候会成为一个惯性动作。 Betrayal sometimes becomes an inertia. 22、时间会慢慢沉淀,有些人会在心底慢慢模糊。 Time will settle down slowly, some people will be slowly blurred in the heart. 23、好想不顾一切,不负责任的消失,成年人太难了。 It is too difficult for adults to think about everything and to disappear irresponsibly. 24、你的承诺已经变成了回忆、你说什么我亦不想听。 Your promise has become a memory, I don't want to hear what you say. 25、死性不改的爱着你,你才是我要寻找的那个唯一。 Love you with no change, you are the only one I am looking for. 26、浪荡不羁的年纪为何会爱上这样一个让我心痛的你。 Why would the age of the wave fall in love with such a you that I feel sad. 27、我们都一样,太渺小,难以操纵命运的心血来潮。 We are all the same, too small to manipulate the fate of the heart and blood. 28、听着悲伤的音乐、耳边唯美沉寂的旋律。 Listen to sad music, the melody of silence in the ear. 29、还是想念,只是少了曾经那份爱。 Still miss, just missing that love. 30、谁曾陪你一起靠近童话,然后各自散落天涯。 Who has accompanied you to close to fairy tales, and then scattered the ends of the world. 31、负着悲情,拾起苦涩,在夜幕里寻找回家的路。 With sadness, pick up the bitterness, and find the way home in the night. 32、没有信任,爱会不牢。 Without trust, love will not be firm. 33、从来没有一个人给过我意外的惊喜让我感动流泪。 I have never been touched by the surprise of one person. 34、高傲的抬起头,再痛也不流泪,做坚强的自己。 Proud of the head, no pain nor tears, do strong oneself. 35、不要因为没有掌声,而丢掉自己的梦想好吗。 Don't lose your dream because there's no applause, OK. 36、我只是觉得运气不好,我爱的人恰好不爱我而已。 I just feel bad luck, the person I love just doesn't love me. 37、我不是冷血,只是害怕投入太多会遍体鳞伤。 I'm not cold-blooded, but I'm afraid to put too much into it and get bruised. 38、不要给伤害你的人第二次伤你的机会。 Don't give the person who hurt you a second time. 39、我给不了你想要的,但我努力让你每一天开心。 I can't give you what you want, but I try to make you happy every day. 40、你来时满山浓妆,你走后遍地风霜。 You came with a lot of makeup, and you walked with frost. 41、我来到了你所在的城市,而你却早已把我忘记。 I came to your city, and you have forgotten me. 42、伤害你的是你最在乎的,你伤害的是最在乎你的。 What hurts you is what you care most, what you hurt is the most caring for you. 43、我不过是你的一个选择,你却是我唯一的答案。 I am just your choice, you are my only answer. 44、对你的希望有多大,失望就有多大。 How big your hopes are, how disappointed you are. 45、埋下一座城、关了所有灯。 Bury the next city and turn off all the lights. 46、有些幸福,短暂的可怕,就像从未存在过一般。 Some happiness, short and terrible, as if never existed. 47、如果下辈子我是一个男人,我会娶像我这样的女人。 If I'm a man in my next life, I'll marry a woman like me. 48、在物欲横流的社会、钱不过是人们手中的道具而已。 In the society where material desire is flowing, money is just props in people's hands. 49、开始我取笑你,到后来我才发现取笑的是自己。 I started to tease you, and then I found out that it was myself who made fun of it. 50、爱是对的,错的是我们还没学会爱,就急着去爱。 Love is right, the wrong is that we have not learned to love, so we are eager to love.




