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2024-04-19 14:44:37 来源:阳春文学 点击:14
1、我们还是孩子,何必把一切都看得那么透。 We are still children, why see everything so thoroughly. 2、没有心飞扬,只有透心凉。 There is no heart flying, only cool through the heart. 3、原来真的有很多事,没开口就已经是从前。 It turns out that there are a lot of things, no mouth is already the past. 4、你的称呼由我来定。恩?就叫老公吧。 Your address is up to me. okay? Just call her husband. 5、带你装逼带你飞。带你卡进垃圾堆。 I'm going to take you and fly you. Get you stuck in the garbage. 6、打击与挫败是成功的踏脚石,而不是绊脚石。 Defeat and defeat are stepping stones to success, not stumbling blocks. 7、让我心碎,你做的比谁都到位。 It breaks my heart. You've done better than anyone else. 8、微笑,只是为了防止泪水的滑落。 Smile, just to prevent the tears from falling. 9、海枯石烂的誓言无期,唯求相视一笑的默契。 The oath of the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, but the tacit understanding of looking at each other and laughing is the only way. 10、梦里能到达的地方,总有一天,脚步也能到达。 Dream can reach the place, one day, the pace can also arrive. 11、一无所知的世界,走下去,才有惊喜。 Unknown world, go down, only have a surprise. 12、聪明的人都在下笨功夫,愚蠢者却在找捷径。 The wise man is stupid, but the fool is looking for a shortcut. 13、我以为我是你的唯一。没想到却只是其中之一。 I thought I was the only one for you. I didn't expect it, but it was just one of them. 14、全天下所有好东西都该属于我,包括你在内。 All the good things in the world belong to me, including you. 15、活得精彩,全凭本事。 To live a wonderful life depends on one's ability. 16、失去你,从此再也不相信爱情了。 Lose you, never believe in love again. 17、总有一个人,一直住在心底,却告别在生活里。 There is always a person who has been living in the bottom of my heart, but bid farewell to life. 18、等到互相都没话说了,这段感情也就结束了。 When each other has no words, the relationship will be over. 19、姑娘,把眼泪咽下去你就赢了。 Girl, swallow your tears and you win. 20、我的腰闪了,惹祸的不是青春,而是压力。 My waist flashed, causing trouble is not youth, but pressure. 21、但愿园里花常好,一生饮酒花前老。 I hope the flowers in the garden are always good, and I will grow old before drinking. 22、生活不是电影,没有那么多不期而遇。 Life is not a movie. There are not so many unexpected encounters. 23、花谢风雨过后,花开阳光依旧。 After the wind and rain, the flowers bloom and the sunshine is still the same. 24、原来爱情会过期,剩下的只是回忆。 The original love will expire, the rest is just memories. 25、忙碌是一种幸福,让我们没时间体会痛苦。 Busy is a kind of happiness, let us have no time to experience pain. 26、过于取悦于他人而活,是自然人被禁锢的悲哀。 It is the sorrow of natural man to be imprisoned if he is too pleased with others. 27、除了放弃尝试以外没有失败! There is no failure except to give up trying! 28、什么都无法舍弃的人,什么也改变不了。 What can not give up people, nothing can change. 29、不要拿着别人的地图,找自己的路。 Don't take someone else's map and find your own way. 30、最糟糕的时候,也请记住,无条件的爱自己。 At worst, remember to love yourself unconditionally. 31、为了以后能好好偷懒,现在一定要非常努力。 In order to be lazy in the future, we must work very hard now. 32、我可以选择放弃,但是我不能选择放弃! I can choose to give up, but I can't choose to give up! 33、寂寞若能搁浅,快乐定能永久。 If loneliness can run aground, happiness will last forever. 34、那些别扭又违心的嫌弃,都是说不出口的喜欢。 Those awkward and against the heart of the dislike, are not to say like. 35、给足了甜头之后的冷漠,才是最伤人的。 Give enough sweet after the indifference, is the most hurtful. 36、一些事,只配当回忆,一些人,只能做过客。 Some things, only deserve to be memories, some people, can only be passers-by. 37、我们共同仰望天空,满满都是我们的幸福。 We look up to the sky together, full of our happiness. 38、你微笑着站在远方,我在这里寂寞流浪。 You smile standing in the distance, I am here lonely wandering. 39、愿为你守一座空城,等你一人归来。 Willing to guard an empty city for you, waiting for you to return alone. 40、在所有你想珍惜的关系里,问心无愧就好。 In all the relationships you want to cherish, just have a clear conscience. 41、爱上了一个错过的人,今生就无缘再相爱。 If you fall in love with a person you miss, you will never fall in love again in this life. 42、网络只是一条线,删了就断了。 The network is just a line, deleted will be broken. 43、没有太阳的时候,连影子都不能陪着我。 When there is no sun, even the shadow can't accompany me. 44、日为朝,月为暮,卿,为朝朝暮暮。 Sun is morning, moon is evening, Qing is morning and evening. 45、浮生若梦,为欢几何? Floating life is like a dream, for joy? 46、他一直忘不了她,就像我一直忘不了他一样。 He never forgets her, just as I can never forget him. 47、你每一次的出现,总是让人很难以释怀。 Every time you appear, it's hard to let go. 48、一直忘了告诉你,我有多幸运,遇见的是你。 I always forget to tell you how lucky I am to meet you. 49、正因不想受伤,因此我学着伪装。 Just because I didn't want to get hurt, I learned to pretend. 50、像我这种人,你除了宠着也没有其他办法。 For people like me, you can do nothing but spoil them. 51、即使见不到你,我的心也不会疼。 Even if I can't see you, my heart won't hurt. 52、一念起,万水千山;一念灭,沧海桑田。 A thought, a thousand rivers and mountains; a thought out, vicissitudes of life. 53、阳光依旧那麽刺眼,谁都掩盖不住我的悲伤。 The sun is still so dazzling, no one can cover up my sadness. 54、没有了你,我看到的天空依旧是蓝色。 Without you, the sky I see is still blue. 55、谁敢在我爱情里插一腿,老娘就把你腿剁了! Who dares to put a leg in my love, I'll cut your leg! 56、别和我谈恋爱,虚伪,有本事咱俩结婚。 Don't fall in love with me, hypocrisy, we can get married. 57、我想和你使劲多说说话,又不知道该说些什么。 I want to talk to you hard, but I don't know what to say. 58、最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。 The most beautiful is not a rainy day, but the eaves that has been with you to avoid the rain. 59、相信自己,相信一切,加油。 Believe in yourself, believe in everything, come on.



